

Horoscopes: want a more personalised reading?

A monthly horoscope may be a good indicator of what happens in a month but these horoscopes assume there are only 12 people in the world.  Your own personal horoscope is more detailed than this column.  Why not contact Franco for your own personalised reading.

May 2024

Aries (March 20 – April 20)

We often dream of what we want to accomplish or have. Well, this month, it is time to start going for it. If it is important to you, then go for it. Don’t settle for your secondary choice because you’ll end up doing what you want later after wasting time and money. Sure, you feel like going on a random spending spree, but let your better judgment guide you. Sometimes, these spending sprees come out of necessity, like repairing a roof or muffler, so ensure you have enough to take care of the essentials. You can be very content, and the future looks bright.

THEME OF THE YEAR, Seeing the forest through the trees will let you create your reality.

Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

Make the necessary changes in your life, be it a new attitude or job, but do it to improve yourself. There is an air of confidence surrounding you that you haven’t had in a while. You feel like you can do anything and accomplish anything, from thinking outside the box to standing up against those who try to push you around. Put that energy into use. While you feel confident, ensure you are not belligerent, which could lead to setbacks. Whatever you do, ensure it benefits you and those around you and avoid risky endeavours like responding to the Nigerian prince’s email.

THEME OF THE YEAR, Old hurts don’t have to hospitalise you. In fact, you can become stronger.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

You’ve been working hard because you know what you need to achieve and how to get it. Keep at your game plan whether you want that new car, that vacation getaway or saving for a home. However, should you be taking a little more R and R time? It would be good for you to do so. Take time to heal, whether it is physically or just taking that mental time off for a bit. Then you you can go gangbusters again. For you, knowledge is power, but make sure your memory is top-notch. Take after your Scorpio friends and use your memory to your advantage.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Put your nose to the grindstone, and the rewards will pay off in the long run.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You have to focus on transformation. It is not that anything is wrong with you the way you are. But, a certain driving force is asking you to make some adjustments. These adjustments don’t have to be significant, but they are the little things that add up to a big thing in the end. You will have a go-getting energy, which can lead to confrontation if you are not careful with your words. Doing so can lead to strained relationships and could cause problems on several fronts. If you are angry, try figuring out where it is coming from and try to control your emotions. 

THEME OF THE YEAR , Maybe the future is predestined, but you have the ability to fill in the colours.

Did you know:

Mercury in your chart can represent your hands in medical astrology?

Leo (July 22 – August 23)

You can expect some sudden changes in your public status, whether it is changing jobs, getting a promotion, or becoming the go-to person in your circle. Make the transition with grace and honour. You will draw power from others, but do not let them control you by emotional manipulation. You must let go of your fears if there will be any progress in all facets of work. Look to gain control of matters in the last week of the month. However, your actions can’t be wishy-washy when you look to expand your horizons. You have to determine if you will buy or walk on by.

THEME OF THE YEAR , You don’t know it all, so stop to listen as you might learn something

Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

Watch for emotional outbursts or power struggles on the job. These outbreaks could lead to unnecessary outcomes. Maybe you are dealing with some hidden issues, or other people’s bad behaviour is triggering you. Learn to separate what is actually happening from what you perceive to be happening. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Accept that nothing stays the same and go with the flow, making the best of your experiences. Making an alteration might require a change in philosophy on your part for you to excel.  

THEME OF THE YEAR , Break free from the details and look at the vast universe before you.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Your motivation comes from past events, but these matters have gone by you. We have to learn to move on. Don’t consider people close to you or counselling you as the “enemy”. See what you can learn from them, and don’t turn it into a contest. Listen to each other as there may be something deeper rather than superficial chitchat. In matters of work, ensure you also go deeper into issues. Do your research and look to understand what is really going on. If you are going to ask for a raise, this might be the time you get it, or you come into some bonus money.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Sometimes you are your best teacher if you don’t latch on to your hurts.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

As Bill Whithers sang, “Lean on me / when you’re not strong”. Be sure to talk to your close confidants, be it a spouse, bestie, shrink, or even your astrologer. Don’t let pent-up emotions get you down. Work through them, and you will see that burden come off your shoulders. Doing so will make you feel more at ease, and you will sail through life rather than paddling upstream. Do the things that will bring health to you, even if it might feel like a chore this month. You’ll get your swagger back and be all the better. That’s what you Scorpios do; you shed the old skin and become renewed.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Watch your spending this year, as you can go overboard.

Did you know:

the Saturn cycle of 29 years is an important marker in your life?

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Certainly, having fun is a typical objective, but something else is going on this month that needs to be taken advantage of. If you put your mind to it, many things can be capitalised on, especially regarding work. New methods and routines, as well as the ability to refresh your health, are needed. Be open to the opportunities when they arise. Rebellion is necessary at times, but it doesn’t have to always be against “the man”. You can also rebel against your set ways or at your non-productive routines. Don’t say no to new things, well, as long as they are legal.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Using charm, quick thinking and knowing when to speak will yield success.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20)

Words have power. They can be used to demoralise people, or they can be used to inspire people. You have the ability to work some magic this month and get things happening. Smooth talking will spark creative ideas, allowing opportunities to come your way. Also, listen! You will have a teacher raise awareness in some form or another, leading to more significant gains. Ensure you have learned from past mistakes because you do not want to repeat them. Don’t feel guilt or that you should have done better. Life is about learning and moving forward.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Our thoughts shape us. Allow those thoughts to make the most progressive you.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Some things will not be as important to you as they once were after this month is over. The challenge is learning to break old habits and accepting a better way when it comes along. Watch that you don’t argue for the sake of arguing because you will be quite spirited. You will be passionate but don’t come across as a know-it-all. Take time to redecorate your home to make it more appealing to yourself. Who knows, maybe a radical change all around, like getting a new haircut or even a new wardrobe. Just remember growth comes from within.

THEME OF THE YEAR , Achieve your goals by learning to make necessary adjustments along the way.

Pisces (February 18 – March 20)

Being well-read and knowledgeable will take you far in life. However, it will be particularly so this month. Make sure you are focused on the goals you plan on achieving as well as your everyday actions. Go after what you want, but like a dog chasing its tail and biting it, you might realise that your goals might need a slight adjustment. There will be some nights where hidden things might trigger you. A little bit of therapy will help you get over those hurdles. Follow your intuition because it will be considerably more intense than usual.

THEME OF THE YEAR, Discipline is necessary to achieve your goals and rely on partners as they can help.